
Nova Genesis
Nova Genesis

Nova Genesis Nova Genesis

It’s not like there’s anything really all that wrong with them, they’re just a little unoriginal and clichéd. As far as the characters go, they are, for the most part, rather flat. The story of Terra Nova from this point onwards follows both the rebuilding of the Shannon family and the rebuilding of human civilisation. He does, just about, manage to accompany them but is immediately discovered as a fugitive when he arrives in the Cretaceous period. She tells Jim this and helps break him out of jail (a prison break that we unfortunately don’t get to see in the episode), he then finds his young daughter and hurries to join the rest of the family as they travel back in time. We leap forward two years to learn that Elisabeth, who is a skilled doctor, has been recruited by the Tenth Pilgrimage to Terra Nova.

Nova Genesis

Because he and his wife have broken the overpopulation law, and then assaulted the police officers who discovered this, Jim is sent to jail and separated from his family. However, scientists in Chicago have discovered a rift in space-time that allows people to travel 85-million years back into the past, thus establishing an alternate timeline (this helps the show to neatly avoid any time paradoxes, but is revealed in a piece of heavy-handed exposition) that could possibly save the human race. In the future we’re shown in Terra Nova, the earth has become so irreparably damaged that it can barely support life any longer. Jason O’Mara plays Jim Shannon, he is married to Elisabeth Shannon (played by Shelly Conn) and they have three children (something that is illegal in their society, where population is in need of control and a family is only meant to have two children), 17-year-old Josh (Landon Liboiron), 16-year-old Maddy (Naomi Scott) and five-year-old Zoe (Alana Mansour). The series begins in the year 2149, and the characters that we follow primarily are the Shannon family. There’s a lot of plot to get through in the first two hours of Terra Nova. There’s a lot of exciting potential in the pilot and, with some work, I think that Terra Nova could yet be a really great and enjoyable family drama. Anyway, the series has debuted at last and, honestly, Monday’s episode surprisingly exceeded my expectations. It’s weird to think that it finally really exists because Terra Nova has been in development for absolutely ages (the first I heard about the show’s concept was at least a couple of years ago). On Monday night, the much-anticipated, feature-length pilot episode of big budget drama Terra Nova premiered on Sky1.

Nova Genesis